
Saturday, November 10, 2012

making a terrarium

This large terrarium is in my office I had the glass piece in the other house full of wine bottle corks.
You need to keep your terrarium out of direct sunlight.This large cylinder jar is on the coffee table in the living room
This little cutie is in my bathroom I have the nest with eggs in it and also some small shells to add interest...that is what is so great about this project you can add figures, bridges,birds, even butterflys.
Now that we are not having classes, the Decoupage Garage group likes to get together about every two months or so,. we have lunch and work on different projects. The group wanted to see my patio home so I decided on the project for the group, terrariums...I have three different sizes and shapes..One in my office, one in the master bath and one in the living room on the coffee table.Love them and sooooo easy to care for.You need rocks in the bottom for draining then potting soil about 3-4"depending on the size of your terrarium. Different size plants some short others tall add interest. I had bought small birds nests and packages of tiny eggs to share with the gals. Each person brought their own glass container. Denise brought small cactus plants she used in her bowl. Karen had a just right container she had purchased at TJ Maxx some time ago. Donna added plastic mushrooms to her arrangement that just made it.When everyone was satisfied with their terrarium..we added about a half a cup of water and put the lid on. That is all you have to do...with the lid on it waters itself. There are more instructions you can see online.

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